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Ho Wto Make My Curosr Normal Again in Notepadd

Hello Jrivett,

Thank you for posting your query on Microsoft Community.

I can imagine the inconvenience you lot are experiencing and will certainly aid you in the correct management to fix the issue. However, I would appreciate if you could answer a few questions to narrow down the upshot in club to provide you with better aid.

  1. Is the issue specific to Notepad or with other application too?
  2. Is your computer connected to any domain network in anyways?
  3. Did you lot brand significant changes prior to the issue?

As per the issue clarification the cursor jumps back a few characters when you are trying to save a Notepad document. The issue could be if there is some system file corruption or some startup items/application is causing the result. So, I would advise you to effort the steps provided beneath and see if information technology helps you to fix the result.

Method i

Step ane: Kick the computer in safe fashion.

Let'southward kicking the computer in Safe Manner and check if upshot reappears. Condom mode is a diagnostic mode that starts your figurer in a limited state. Only the basic files and drivers necessary to run Windows are started. The words Safe Manner announced in the corners of your monitor to identify which Windows manner you're using. Yous may refer to the article mentioned below to kicking the calculator in safe mode.

Windows Startup Settings (including safe mode)

Step 2

If your estimator works fine in safe mode, I would suggest y'all to perform clean boot.

Putting your system in Clean Boot state helps in identifying if whatever third political party applications or startup items are causing the effect. You need to follow the steps from the article mentioned below to perform a Clean Kicking.

How to perform a make clean kicking in Windows

Annotation : Refer "How to reset the computer to start normally later make clean boot troubleshooting" to reset the computer to start as normal afterwards troubleshooting.

Method 2

If issue persist attempt to cheque the system files are they working fine or not and to check that try to run System File Checker (SFC) tool.

SFC scan volition scans all protected arrangement files and replaces incorrect versions with correct Microsoft versions.

How to employ the System File Checker tool to troubleshoot missing or corrupted arrangement files on Windows 8.

  1. Printing Windows key and X at the aforementioned time.

  2. Choose Command Prompt (Admin) from the context bill of fare.

  3. In the command prompt, type sfc /scannow and hitting Enter.

  4. Exit command prompt .

For more data refer to this link:

Use the Arrangement File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files states

Method 3

If issue persists, try to create new user profile every bit an administrator and cheque the issue in new user profile.

If you create new user account zilch volition be lost, it is only the matter that it would be in the other user account which you lot are using right at present. However creating new user account is a diagnostic pace, if everything works fine in new user account we can hands move the files and programs to new user account.

So, for at present please attempt to create new user business relationship every bit an administrator from the link provided below. Make sure you should follow the steps mentioned under Create a Local account .

Hope this would help. If event nevertheless persists postal service back with current condition of your computer and result of the proposed proffer, nosotros will be happy to help you lot.


Ramesh Kumar.

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Thanks for the quick reply.

1. The issue is specific to Notepad. Information technology doesn't happen with any other application.

Notwithstanding, information technology doesn't merely happen in Windows 8.1. It too happens in Notepad on another computer running Windows 7. It does it whether I'm accessing the computer straight or via Remote Desktop.

2. Neither computer is continued to a domain.

three. Aught changed before this started happening. Frankly, I retrieve it'due south been happening for a while, I merely e'er thought I was imagining information technology earlier. I finally reported it when I decided to do a proper test, confirming that information technology was real.

Booting in Safe mode didn't help. Clean kicking didn't assist.

System File Checker didn't discover whatsoever problems.


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Whatever more ideas? Have y'all tried to reproduce this behaviour?

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What a load of nonsense from a Microsoft representative. He does not seem to have even tried to replicate it. I have the same event and it has nothing to do with any of the offered solutions. Awful support!

Have a look here, information technology seems to exist a Notepad bug which affects several versions of Windows:

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The Microsoft response is typical for these forums, and is roughly equivalent to 'have y'all tried rebooting your computer?' Basically worthless.

I have seen that Superuser question, and in fact I added a link to this issues report in a comment a while ago.

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Microsoft representative has clearly never used Notepad for any pregnant amount of time. The issue is deeply ingrained in all versions and is truly a bug that no one has bothered to fix. Thanks for the link Alex, information technology explains everything I wanted to know about this effect: that turning on discussion wrap causes display characters to exist inserted with every line pause that are displayed merely not included in the saved version, or something like that.

All I can do is express joy because Notepad is a perfect example of the "you had one task to do" meme. Ctrl+backspace produces a worthless ASCII character and saving a file causes cursor teleportation.

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